
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1. Last summer

Hi! I'm Maria and this is my oral presentation about my last summer. First I'm going to talk about Banyoles and then about "This Is Us".
In July and August, my friends and I met in Can Janeret and we ate an ice cream or we went to Elisenda's house and watch a movie or played table games.
In 16th of August Elisenda, Núria Jaén, Xènia Salellas and I went to the Plaça Major for "Els Catarres" concert. Elisenda and Xènia bought a CD signed by them.
On 30th of August Maria Serra and I went to PDA to meet Xènia Tubert, Clàudia Vallmajó, Clàudia Guilana, Júlia, Georgina and Francina. There we went to the premiere of the film "This Is Us". I think this is the best movie ever!
This has been a fantastic summer for me.

This is my oral presentation: